When trying to access the address where the codes were published , the server returns the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Symfony Component Config ctype_alpha () in /home/storage/f/29/c9/****/public_html/mautic/vendor/symfony/config/Symfony/Component/Config/FileLocator.php on line 85
We found that all necessary requirements are present on the server.
Any idea what is ?
When trying to access the address where the codes were published , the server returns the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Symfony Component Config ctype_alpha () in /home/storage/f/29/c9/****/public_html/mautic/vendor/symfony/config/Symfony/Component/Config/FileLocator.php on line 85
We found that all necessary requirements are present on the server.
Any idea what is ?
You use a AutoInstall tool like Softlocus?
Ninjoan, thanks for the feedback.
No tool is used.
Just published the codes application fonts and changed the php version 5.6
By accessing the link the error appears.
Try to download again and upload by FTP
Thanks, I’ll try again and informor you about the results.
I deleted all the files and made a new publication.
Unfortunately the error remains the same.
Any other ideas?
It’s always good to google the error message. The first result:
Escopecz, thank you for the information.
I had checked the informed post.
My php version is 5.5.12 and has this module installed.
Below to analyze:
Additional .ini files parsed /etc/php55.d/bcmath.ini, /etc/php55.d/bz2.ini, /etc/php55.d/calendar.ini, /etc/php55.d/ctype.ini
If you look at phpinfo, what does it say about ctype?
There are only two pieces of information.
- Additional .ini files parsed:
/etc/php55.d/bcmath.ini, /etc/php55.d/bz2.ini, /etc/php55.d/calendar.ini, /etc/php55.d/ctype.ini,
- Additional .ini files parsed:
- ctype Hartmut Holzgraefe
In mine there is also:
ctype functions enabled
Anyway, Mautic did not make that PHP error up. Contact your server admin and ask him kindly to solve it.
Escopecz, thank you for prompt service of our requests.
I will talk today with the host to be verified this information.
When you have news inform.
Have a good afternoon.
Guys , I could fix the problem migrating to PHP version 5.6 and requesting to host a brief correction in SessionHandler .
Done that the application is installed correctly .
Thank you very much for your support.