Is Mautic recommended for big lists?

We have more than 1.3 million subscribers on our lists. Is Mautic able to handle this volume of leads? Which would be the recommended server specs to this load? Please consider that SMTP service is provided by a third-party service.

There is someone using Mautic at this scale?

We have more than 1.3 million subscribers on our lists. Is Mautic able to handle this volume of leads? Which would be the recommended server specs to this load? Please consider that SMTP service is provided by a third-party service.

There is someone using Mautic at this scale?

@brodrigues We have been testing up to 500 000 and faced a number of challenges but remain optimistic.

We are running mautic in AWS on c4.large and mysql on t2.large server and continuing to tinker with how to send out emails at this scale.

Thank you ehill for your reply. Could you give more details about the challenges that you had found? I would like to know if is something that our team can handle or if we need to look for other solutions with better performance for great traffickers.