Issue after restore Database

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3.1
My PHP version is: PHP 7.3.27
My Database type and version is: Server version: 8.0.23 MySQL Community Server - GPL

Your problem
My problem is: After restoring my database, I cannot access Mautic. I get the following message “Internal server error 500”. I only export and import the database to a new server, I did not modify anything else, is it necessary to modify any file to establish the connection?

Hello @nataly sorry for your trouble.
Normally you don’t need to modify anything. If you don’t have db access, you would see a ‘Cannot Establish DB connection’ error. This is not the case. Make sure your files are writable and you have the right permission set. I mean file ownership.

What files are you referring to exactly?

The process that I have carried out is the following:

  1. I created the backup of the Mautic database and downloaded it.
  2. From the PHPmyadmin page, of the new server to which I want to migrate the information, I deleted all the tables of the Bitnami_mautic database and imported the structure of the database that I was going to migrate (I don’t know if the error could be there , maybe I deleted some table that is necessary for the connection) once I had the new database structure, I loaded all the data from the database by command, since it is a file that weighs about 1GB.
  3. The database is loaded correctly, I know, because now it allows me to enter the website with a username and password that were in the data that I imported. But once I log in, I get the following error.

You will have to get your hands dirty:
Can you check logs and see if there is anything relevant?

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/010_resize_fs…

resize2fs 1.44.5 (15-Dec-2018)
The filesystem is already 5209856 (4k) blocks long. Nothing to do!

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/020_hostname…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/030_swap_file…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/040_stack_etc…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/050_clean_pids…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/060_check_if_demo_machine…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/070_change_boot_log_permissions…

2021-05-13 11:30:19+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/080_prevent_incoming_connections…

2021-05-13 11:30:21+00:00 ## INFO ## 80 has been blocked

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## 443 has been blocked

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/090_get_default_passwords…

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/100_regenerate_keys…

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/110_configure_default_passwords…

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/120_reenable_incoming_connections…

2021-05-13 11:30:24+00:00 ## INFO ## Running /opt/bitnami/var/init/pre-start/130_gce_initialize_monitoring…

Restarting stackdriver-agent (via systemctl): stackdriver-agent.service.

Can you check plz these logs?


[quote=“joeyk, post:6, topic:19416”]
That is the folder that I have previously verified, what I have written to you is what appeared in the pre-start.log log
there is also another log called post-start.log and it says the following:

## 2021-05-13 11: 30: 40 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 010_bitnami_agent_extra ...
## 2021-05-13 11: 30: 40 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 020_bitnami_agent ...
## 2021-05-13 11: 30: 40 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 030_update_ip ...
## 2021-05-13 11: 31: 23 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 040_update_welcome_file ...
## 2021-05-13 11: 31: 23 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 050_bitnami_credentials_file ...
## 2021-05-13 11: 31: 23 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 060_start_gonit ...
Starting gonit daemon
## 2021-05-13 11: 31: 23 + 00: 00 ## INFO ## Running / opt / bitnami / var / init / post-start / 070_clean_metadata ...

Do you have something like “prod-2021-05-13.php”?

Nop, just these two files that I mentioned