Landing page code

If I edit the HTML code in my Landing page Mautic add some code by themselves. After editing there are two code snippets:

If Mautic needs is, it's ok, but why Mautic add it three times in one page. And every time I safe my changes Mautic adds more of these code snippets.

If I edit the HTML code in my Landing page Mautic add some code by themselves. After editing there are two code snippets:

<script type="text/javascript">window["_gaUserPrefs"] = { ioo : function() { return true; } }</script>


<div id="ads"></div>

If Mautic needs is, it’s ok, but why Mautic add it three times in one page. And every time I safe my changes Mautic adds more of these code snippets.

Solved. It’s not Mautic that add the code. It seams it’s Google Analytics. After deactivating every google tracking the code won’t be added.

Not reale solved. I’ve deactivated tracking and logged out of google, using Ghostery. Nothing helps it writes the code in all of my Emails. How to avoid this?