Landing page url

Hi every body, I have the following issue after the latest update:

With my previus version of Mautic (1.2.0) I did some landing page wich was accessible with a “Page URL” like this:

sharing this url with mail campaign gave me no error at all and all works fine.

After upgrade to 1.2.3 the address is no more accessible to visitors and the “Public preview URL” appear like this:

wich is visible to any visitor but it is no more SEO friendly.

What am I doing wrong?

I can’t find a way to solve this.

Thank you


Hi every body, I have the following issue after the latest update:
With my previus version of Mautic (1.2.0) I did some landing page wich was accessible with a “Page URL” like this:
sharing this url with mail campaign gave me no error at all and all works fine.
After upgrade to 1.2.3 the address is no more accessible to visitors and the “Public preview URL” appear like this:
wich is visible to any visitor but it is no more SEO friendly.

What am I doing wrong?
I can’t find a way to solve this.

Thank you

The public preview URL should never be used in place of the page URL (for the SEO reason you pointed out). Are you using translated landing pages? If so, it may be fixed with

Thank you @alanhartless for your reply but my Landing pages are not translated.
I tryied to create new landing pages but sharing the “Page URL” generates an Internal server error (error 500).
with this error log:

[2016-01-28 11:44:44] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception DoctrineORMORMException: "The EntityManager is closed." at /web/htdocs/ line 129 {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\ORM\ORMException(code: 0): The EntityManager is closed. at /web/htdocs/"} []

Thank you for your support

Hi @alanhartless , I did apply the fix you suggest but it does not work for me.
I can’t really figure out what it could be.

Thank you for any help.