Lead Distribution

Hey Guys,

Ive come across this software and from what i see i like so far. But one feature i was wondering as i was trying to browse the forums for was lead distribution. Does Mautic have any way of doing this if you collected known leads, can it distribute them onto clients CRMs? E.G. Salesforce etc. I understand it can intergrate with those platforms, but does it have any features like some businesses might accept leads via API, Http Post etc.

I can imagine multiple ways to import leads via forms and csv (next version). But in order to send leads out for different campaigns that you were running is this an option?

Thanks for you time


Hey Guys,

Ive come across this software and from what i see i like so far. But one feature i was wondering as i was trying to browse the forums for was lead distribution. Does Mautic have any way of doing this if you collected known leads, can it distribute them onto clients CRMs? E.G. Salesforce etc. I understand it can intergrate with those platforms, but does it have any features like some businesses might accept leads via API, Http Post etc.

I can imagine multiple ways to import leads via forms and csv (next version). But in order to send leads out for different campaigns that you were running is this an option?

Thanks for you time

Hi, I’m not sure I follow your question. Are you asking how to push a lead from a campaign to a CRM? There is Campaign Action for it called “Push Lead to Integration”.

What i was hoping to utilize or hope Mautic does is, capture leads which it can by mulitple sources, Forms, API and CSV.

But then if i had affiliates, i could set them up in Mautic (assign to a campaign or if there was a better way to do so) then when the leads come in, send the leads to affilaites CRMs. Get paid per lead sent. but have this done automatically not on an action.

Does that help clarify more?

Actually, I still don’t understand clearly what you question is.

Mautic can do all of this.

Mautic can send the leads to some integration. Not sure there is a integration for your CRM.

Is this suppose to be feature of Mautic or the CRM? This is not feature Mautic has right now.

This is what I really don’t understand. “On action” means that when an action happens, Mautic can automatically react some way you configure it to do so. That is not “done automatically”? What is your idea of automation?