Lead Information Resubmission Form


I want to create a form which can resubmit lead information should a lead decide they want to provide more information about themselves. I am aware mautic is quite cleaver and will automatically merge leads if it identifies a lead to have similar content.

However, I was wondering if it is possible to input data from the existing lead into a form so a lead can see what exactly they have submitted in the past and alter it accordingly? For example when i create a double opt-in for an email address the landing page associated with this process could have another form which could allow a lead to resubmit there information if they choose to and have the option alter there existing email preferences on another landing page.

I feel i maybe going a bit beyond the capabilities of mautic but i would be interested to see if it was possible.




I want to create a form which can resubmit lead information should a lead decide they want to provide more information about themselves. I am aware mautic is quite cleaver and will automatically merge leads if it identifies a lead to have similar content.

However, I was wondering if it is possible to input data from the existing lead into a form so a lead can see what exactly they have submitted in the past and alter it accordingly? For example when i create a double opt-in for an email address the landing page associated with this process could have another form which could allow a lead to resubmit there information if they choose to and have the option alter there existing email preferences on another landing page.

I feel i maybe going a bit beyond the capabilities of mautic but i would be interested to see if it was possible.


I thought I’ve seen this feature request at https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues , but can’t find it now. Could you create it? It can be done with Mautic. It just has to be developed.

Sure @escopecz I’ll pop something on there now