The opportunity is: Assist charity (Finding independence by CPSH) to restore Mautic.
It is based in: USA
Remote OK?: Remote preferred.
Salary/remuneration: Volunteer or renumeration.
We request rapid support for this issue. Mautic has been down for 2 months and the charity needs to be back on line ASAP. OP is not fluent in this but can provide access. We are looking for someone who has had consistent success solving complex Mautic issues. We speak English.
Problem Description
Version is: 2.16.2 My PHP version is:7.033 My Database type and version is: MySQL (can’t verify because can’t access). Use digital ocean for database.
This is the description from someone who worked on the problem.
The site is online, but I can’t seem to log in, indicating a new issue aside from the previous HTTP 500 error. Here are the specifics of what I’ve been working on:
• Original Database Error: The volume “VDA1” had no available space, causing the database to dismount and throw an HTTP 500 (server unavailable) error.
• Cleaned Space: I cleaned as much space as possible from the volume (e.g., logs, files, etc.), but it wasn’t enough to make a significant difference. The web server is back online, but still can’t log in to the instance. You can try it yourself if you’d like.
• Expanded the Drive: To get more space, the volume needs to be relocated, deleted, and moved back. I don’t feel comfortable with that in Linux, so I’m trying less destructive tactics.
• Recovered Snapshots: I recovered two snapshots of the environment, one from 3/31 and one from 4/14, and spun up the 3/31 instance to see if we can move that into the production instance. This is still a work in progress.
• SQL Dump: I’ve taken a SQL dump (backup) of the database remotely because there’s not enough space to do a local dump.
What is the next step?
Please contact me through the forum or
Thank you very much,
Robin LeoGrande