Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1.0
My PHP version is: 8.1.29
My Database type and version is: 10.3.39-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.2
Your problem
My problem is: Avatar is broken
Upgraded to Mautic 5.1 via CLI (mautic update find & apply)
These errors are showing in the log:***.***.***%2Fapp%2Fassets%2Fimages%2Favatar.svg%3Fvcc04a1bf
returns “Error 0004. Unable to load the image.”
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I have tried clearing cache bin/console cache:clear
also bin/console m:a:g
1 Like
June 15, 2024, 10:56am
Thanks - there is a bug for this: Missing Image in e-mail details, contacts · Issue #13833 · mautic/mautic · GitHub
You may join there and add missing details, if there are any.
I think I resolved this by adjusting the config of web server
1 Like
June 15, 2024, 8:19pm
@mzagmajster please tell us what you changed, so others may also have a look?
@mzagmajster yeh please share the details
This depends on what webserver you are using. In general you have to tell the web server to search for the images in the right folder.
In case of nginx it was something like:
location ~ /app/assets/ {
allow all;
If you put this in the right order in configuration, avatars should start loading.
I am also using Nginx. Can you tell me the right place to put this code in the configuration file?
Not sure, how exactly open up configuration for your mautic, usually a file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
and put the location block among the other ones that you have.
Reload the nginx and see if its working.
I did it and it worked.
File nginx on /etc/nginx/conf.d