Mautic 5.2.2 switch email sending to doctrine queue problem

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.2.2
My PHP version is: 8.3
My Database type and version is: mariadb-10.6.20

Your problem
My problem is: switching to doctrine queue dosen’t work

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
According to documentation I switched under Queue setting to:

Send test message give: “Success!”

then I run under console:

/usr/local/php83/bin/php /home/xxx/mautic/bin/console messenger:consume email -vvv


nothing happen even I force sending from mautic (whether they are broadcats or campaign emails)

and it is strange, because table messenger_messages in database is still empty BUT emails are sent.
I assume there are sent in regular way, not using queue.

My cron run every minute:

php $M_CMD mautic:segments:update
php $M_CMD mautic:campaigns:update.
php $M_CMD mautic:campaigns:rebuild
php $M_CMD mautic:campaigns:trigger
php $M_CMD mautic:broadcasts:send

I saw this tutorial:

And in second point there is modification local.php file but there is different format than I have in version 5.2.2

I also try to add MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=doctrine://default to .env, clear:cache - nothing changed.

What I should change to send mails by queue?