Hi Alexb,
Due to the inflammatory nature of your post and the extreme sarcasm with which you treated the community responses your previous conversation was removed from the site.
I am glad to speak with you in greater detail about any concerns you have and appreciate your help in making Mautic a better product. We want to always make sure we do so in a constructive manner and not in a way that is derogatory or unnecessarily rude to others in the community. I look forward to speaking directly with you and hearing your constructive criticism and hopefully answering any problems you have faced.
Together we can make Mautic better! Let’s do it in the right way.
Oh, and you were right in saying that my posts contained extreme sarcasm.
Whenever I come across extreme levels of stupidity I tend to reply with extreme sarcasm.
Seems very appropriate to me.
You don’t need to speak with me “directly”.
You (and/or your guys) just need to take the BUG that I had reported seriously and fix it.
That’s all.
There’s no need for a “private conversation.”
I had already provided in GREAT DETAIL everything you need to know about that bug.
But it sure does look like I (a clueless user) need to SELL your guys on the idea that that bug was in fact a BUG!
WHY is that?
Why do I need to put in so much energy to “convince” your developers that there is an obvious bug?
Why am I getting ill-advised workarounds as a response to reporting the bug?
I know that those are ill-advised workarounds and not solutions because TWO different server admins have independently confirmed that. And it’s a company I trust. They have an excellent reputation especially in regards to server security.
So, WHY are your people trying to sell me some obvious BULLSHIT instead of fixing the bug?
That’s the only thing I want to know.
Because I told you already ALL of the details you’ll ever need for fixing that bug in my forum posts.
Is your goal to create a software that makes the user’s server more vulnerable?
Or what’s the agenda here?
Why am I getting some bullishit workarounds as suggestions?
Bullshit workarounds that make my server unnecessarily vulnerable.
Why? Why? Why?
That’s the only question that’s open here.
I really don’t want to believe that you’d want to create a software that punches security holes into servers.
So, there must be some other reason.
Tell me!
Hi Alexb,
Due to the inflammatory nature of your post and the extreme sarcasm with which you treated the community responses your previous conversation was removed from the site.
I am glad to speak with you in greater detail about any concerns you have and appreciate your help in making Mautic a better product. We want to always make sure we do so in a constructive manner and not in a way that is derogatory or unnecessarily rude to others in the community. I look forward to speaking directly with you and hearing your constructive criticism and hopefully answering any problems you have faced.
Together we can make Mautic better! Let’s do it in the right way.
I’m sorry but due to your abusive behavior you have been temporarily banned from the forums. Your account will be reinstated in 2 weeks time.