Mautic online Demo limits


The Mautic online demo is it indicated for real campaigns ou is better set the Mautic in a particular host for production? Case one of purpose the demo be host real campaigns, is there some limit, for contacts, campaigns ou anything else?




The Mautic online demo is it indicated for real campaigns ou is better set the Mautic in a particular host for production? Case one of purpose the demo be host real campaigns, is there some limit, for contacts, campaigns ou anything else?


Hi Rodimeme:

To run the self-hosted version of Mautic you should use a reputable hosting company who can offer you a Linux, Apache, Mysql, and PHP (LAMP) configuration.

In addition to a basic LAMP configuration, Mautic will also ask that you have a few things like MBString enabled in PHP. The installer will check all your requirements to confirm you’re not missing anything!

Regarding limits on, it is a service currently offered for free through Allyde. During their beta phase, there are no limits enforced. Once that phase is over, there will be limits for contacts and some other things like integrations and disk space. You can see all the pricing and information for that here:

Thank you for the answers Chad.

My customers are not interested in hosting the Mautic, this case, can I suggest the for real campaigns, is it safe?

When finish the beta version they will migrate for the one of the Allyde plans without lose all the data inserted in, right?

Hi Rodrideme: is definitely usable for real life campaigns. The Allyde plan conversion won’t delete any data. But, if they have more contacts than the plan allowed they won’t be able to create any new data until they upgrade. Allyde is not going to delete anything, don’t worry!

What about support? I’ve now got a paid plan, and it seems I’m not the only one who can’t get support / response out of Allyde for basic questions. I don’t think waiting several days (thus far) for a response is acceptable for a paid business account.