Mautic shows email as sent but Sparkpost didn't get /send it

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1
My PHP version is: 8.2

This is a strange one. We just upgraded to Mautic 5.1 with A LOT of hassle and just sent our first campaign to small segment of about 200 users.

We are using Sparkpost API and I installed the Sparkpost plugin.
I setup the configuration and test emails went out and were received just fine.

Mautic shows all the emails as sent, but when I check Sparkpost, I cannot see those emails in the ‘events’ tab. I only see a handful of those email from the Mautic segment in the Sparkpost 'event’s tab. What happened to all the other emails? Where have they gone?

Any ideas what I should do/check?

Thank you.

Best Regards,