MAUTIC Subdirectory cannot be reached after setup

Your software
My Mautic version is: 97_mautic-511
My PHP version is: 8.2.12
My Database type and version is: MySQL

Your problem
My problem is: Whenever I go to my subdirectory for Mautic I get the error " This site can’t be reached" I have changed the .htaccess file gave access in Directory conf ran composer install with some trouble around php_redus.dll but when I go to /mautic it redirects to mautic/installer saying it cannot reach it with an error of timeout or reset

Hello, can you check your directory structure? Do you have a newly created “docroot” folder? If so, can you try to point your config file to that as doc root?

Nope no “docroot” folders have been created this is the directory structure of my MAUTIC instance XAMPP/htdocs/wordpress/mautic
I’ve tried to set up mautic on my laptop with docker and it worked but I cannot seem to be able to do it on my VPS because it lacks some virtualization features like WSL2 so I have to install it manually I guess.

Error 403?

Look into the provided .htaccess files. They don’t work with subdirectories out of the box… you will need to adjust them.

Lines 113 and 133.

Have a nice day!

I solved the 403 error actually, this is something different whenever I go to the subdirectory I get a “this site cannot be reached/timeout” error so something is wrong with mautic installation itself, composer cannot find php_redis.dll for some reason even though it has been linked and imported into the ext folder