Migration process

Hello Mautic Community!

I’m happy to be part of this forum and engage with fellow Mautic enthusiasts.

I’ve recently started using Mautic, exploring its capabilities through the HelloWorld Plugin. It’s been a week since I began my Mautic journey, and I’m eager to learn more about this powerful marketing automation platform.

Migration Question:

I’m currently delving into the HelloWorld Plugin and trying to understand how the migration of the file Migrations/Version_1_0_1.php is managed.

It seems like this process is related to the “integration” aspect, but I’m unclear on the specifics.

If I want to create a new entity and add it in the database, what is the process?

Could someone shed some light on how this migration is handled within the integration framework?Looking forward to your insights and guidance!

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is: mysql 8
I use DDEV.