Modify contact's segments schedule at a specific day works different on 5.1 than 5.0.4

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1
My PHP version is: 8.2
My Database type and version is: MariaDB

Your problem
My problem is:
At 5.0.4 I have a campaign that changes segments on a specific day of the week and if it was triggered on this day, it works.
After updating Mautic to 5.1 this step is delayed by one week.
Is there any settings related to this behavior in 5.1 or should I change something in the campaign?

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
Try opening the campaign in Builder and saving again, try changing the delay from 0 days to 0 minutes.

What I want to accomplish is if someone signs on Monday then the campaign should change the contact’s segment immediately if it is another day of the week then change the segment on next Monday. This way works in 5.0.4, before upgrade to 5.1…

Any suggestion?

I have a question. Which behavior intentionally is good? Like works in 5.0.4 or 5.1? If 5.1 then how do I achieve what I want?

If “Send from” is empty, then it works as I expected.
When “Send from” is set to a time later than is, then this action is scheduled to THIS day as I expected.
When “Send from” is set to a time earlier, then this action is scheduled to NEXT selected day of week which - as I assume - is wrong. If today is a selected day of week and “Send from” is set to an earlier time, then this should fire immediately. Am I wrong?

I created github issue: Segment change schedule works differently in 5.1 than 5.0.4 - different aproach to "Send from" hour. · Issue #13920 · mautic/mautic · GitHub
I want to make a pull request but I need additional privileges.
@rcheesley, can you look at the issue and help with it? Or someone else?