Mtc.js, ip address, uniqueness questions

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.0.0-features
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is: tidb

I don’t believe this is working as intended, but want to ask to make sure.

I am using mtc.js tracking. I find i end up with a lot of duplicates.
First, I end up with duplicate IP addresses:

m> select * from ip_addresses where id in ('159','204','30183','60190','60191');
| id    | ip_address    | ip_details     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
|   159 | XX9.205.64.16 | a:10:{s:4:...} |
|   204 | XX9.205.64.16 | a:10:{s:4:...} |
| 30183 | XX9.205.64.16 | a:10:{s:4:...} |
| 60190 | XX9.205.64.16 | a:10:{s:4:...} |
| 60191 | XX9.205.64.16 | a:10:{s:4:...} |

Then I find that the same lead is attached over and over to these:

> select * from lead_ips_xref where lead_id = 60316;
| lead_id | ip_id |
|   60316 |   159 |
|   60316 |   204 |
|   60316 | 30183 |
|   60316 | 60190 |
|   60316 | 60191 |

And, i find that the Lead has been created multiple times:

> select email,firstname from leads where id in (633, 60316);
| email                     | firstname |
| NULL                      | NULL      |
| USER@Domain | Name      |

I was of the understanding that Identify visitors by IP (which I have enabled) would cause these to be merged together instead of created separate.

I seems Fix #7559: Merge lead devices when merging leads (3.x rebase of #7561) by pjeby · Pull Request #8836 · mautic/ma was created to solve this, but does not for mtc.js.

Am I understanding this correctly? I think the intent is:

  1. user interacts w/ mtc.js, contact id created
  2. user interacts w/ some form etc, gives email, contact id is updated
  3. user opens new device, interacts w/ mtc.js, contact id is updated

Instead i see a new contact id for each of the 3 above.

It seems, in ContactTracker.php, that we must have both ‘track_contact_by_ip’ and ‘anonymize_ip’, is that correct?

        if ($this->coreParametersHelper->get('track_contact_by_ip') && $this->coreParametersHelper->get('anonymize_ip')) {
            /** @var Lead[] $leads */
            $leads = $this->leadRepository->getLeadsByIp($ip->getIpAddress());
            if (count($leads)) {
                $lead = $leads[0];
                $this->logger->addDebug("CONTACT: Existing lead found with ID# {$lead->getId()}.");

                return $lead;


I created PR

to solve this (I think)