Net Promoter Score survey email

I’d love to see something like a “Net Promoter Score survey” built in to Mautic.

I.e. Email recipient clicks score 1-10 (or 1-5) in email, the score is tracked per lead and the total average displayed on the dashboard in Mautic.

More info on NPS:


I’d love to see something like a “Net Promoter Score survey” built in to Mautic.
I.e. Email recipient clicks score 1-10 (or 1-5) in email, the score is tracked per lead and the total average displayed on the dashboard in Mautic.

More info on NPS:

I also think it is a useful solution to improve the management of Mautic points by combining another indicator.
Has anyone come up with something similar?

We already did NPS Surveys. We designed an email, that had 10 buttons to 10 different landingpages. Its a LoFi approach and could be gambled of course. You could also do it via a form submit with just asking for voting. (You may think about if you design it to be anonymous or not - a bit of a delicate decision.)

So nothing really stopping you to do it now.

(With an integration of the form result to another system you can even improve it. Make it tamperprove, but anonymize the sender at the same time.)