Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.2.4
My PHP version is: 7.3
My Database type and version is: MySQL (latest with Webinoly)
Your problem
My problem is: Contacts (same few IPs) keep getting created related to media/images/avatar.png
Hi! Just setup Mautic and before I linked to my website or anything, there’s a few IP’s / getting recreated as contacts – connecting with mymauticsiteURL/index.php/media/images/avatar.png
Seems to be some automated something or other / internet backbone IP’s? I know I can block the specific IPs from being tracked, but is normal to have things connecting to my Mautic install, even before I linked it to my website which I’m going to track? 1) Same IPs, creating different contact instances over and over again (many on a daily basis). 2) it this a normal avatar related thing?