I fixed this. I still don’t know what was the problem…
So. My local.php looked like this:
$parameters = array(
'db_driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'mailer_from_name' => 'Mautic',
'site_url' => 'https://mautic.php.localhost',
Everything worked, except the GrapeJs builder. All the other settings/parameters are set in the parameters_local.php which processes the ENV variables of the docker-compose.yml file.
$config_secret_key = '';
if (false !== getenv('CONFIG_SECRET_KEY')) {
$config_secret_key = getenv('CONFIG_SECRET_KEY');
'secret_key' => $config_secret_key
For example. I did not think that my local.php should contain more parameters, because as I mentioned, everything worked.
But with the other parameters in the local.php the GrapeJs builder works too! The local.php looks like this now:
$parameters = array(
'db_driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'mailer_from_name' => 'Mautic',
'mailer_dsn' => 'smtp://localhost:25',
'db_host' => 'mautichost',
'db_host_ro' => null,
'db_table_prefix' => null,
'db_port' => '3306',
'db_name' => 'mauticdb',
'db_user' => 'mautic_user',
'db_password' => 'mauticpassword',
'db_backup_tables' => 1,
'db_backup_prefix' => 'bak_',
'secret_key' => 'a3c3bd22c701c9229e625e95e163959760e6c16fe5a5ddf04f98f2cb9cb60cbe',
'site_url' => 'https://mautic.php.localhost',
With this parameters my previous post (Mautic.getActiveBuilderName is not a function - #2 by miki) and the fix mentioned in it is unnecessary, because the outputSystemScripts method of the CoreBundle/Twig/Helper/AssetsHelper.php adds the required line.
echo '<script>Mautic.getActiveBuilderName = function() { return \''.$builderName.'\'; }</script>'."\n";