One click List-Unsubscribe link contains incorrect email address

Mautic version: 5.2.1
PHP version: 8.3.15
Database: 10.11.8-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.24.04.1

Sending via Amazon SES
Amazon SES Bundle plugin installed for bounce management.

I recently sent out an email to 6000 subscribers. On some of the bounced emails I noticed that while the unsubscribe link within the email is correct, the List-Unsubscribe headers contain the wrong email address. If the recipient attempts to unsubscribe using the one click link, they unsubscribe someone else!
Anyone else seeing this and how do I resolve it?

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Hi @brrcda , I assume you are using GitHub - pm-pmaas/etailors_amazon_ses, right?
You are facing a bug in the plugin which should be fixed in the latest version Release 1.0.13 · pm-pmaas/etailors_amazon_ses · GitHub

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Yes, that’s the one. Thanks for that, I was hoping it was that simple but couldn’t find any info on it.

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