I wrote some emails and put them in a campaign. The 1st email is set to send as soon as triggered.
I added 30 leads and then added them all to the list that is the initiator for the campaign.
It seemed to take several cron cycles to start sending the emails (I wasn’t paying close attention) and now only 1 email is being sent at a time.
How do I configure things so the emails are sent right away?
I wrote some emails and put them in a campaign. The 1st email is set to send as soon as triggered.
I added 30 leads and then added them all to the list that is the initiator for the campaign.
It seemed to take several cron cycles to start sending the emails (I wasn’t paying close attention) and now only 1 email is being sent at a time.
How do I configure things so the emails are sent right away?
Correction and update
The 1st 3 emails were sent at 5 minute intervals (in line with the cron jobs). Those are the only 3 emails that were sent. The last one was sent over 25 minutes ago. There are 27 more leads on the list that have not been emailed.
The cron job output says that the script is still running.
Do I force it to run?
Do I kill the script? How?
Any help would be appreciated.
Update 2
I opted to force it and emails are being sent again… 1 per cron job.
And there’s this error in the cron job output:
[code] [DoctrineORMORMInvalidArgumentException]
A new entity was found through the relationship ‘MauticPointBundleEntityLeadPointLog#lead’ that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: MauticLeadBundleEntityLead with ID #11. To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example @ManyToOne(…,cascade={“persist”}).
mautic:campaigns:trigger [-i|–campaign-id[="…"]] [–scheduled-only] [–negative-only] [-l|–batch-limit[="…"]] [-m|–max-events[="…"]] [-f|–force][/code]
This is a know bug. The fix is here:
and will be available in the next release of Mautic (1.2.3)
I’m not happy there’s a bug. But I am happy that it isn’t me. Thanks!