Paid Mautic Setup Help Needed

I’m looking for the right person to pay to help set up self hosted Mautic on my server so I could start email campaigns.

I need the latest version of Mautic to be installed on my hosting and configured.

Please either e-mail me here, reply here or post a link to your services page.

I will check back regularly.

Hey and welcome @slobodan !

Reach out to @mzagmajster - he’s a pro.


Hi @slobodan, I sent you a PM, reach out if you are interested to learn more.

@entrepositive - thanks for the recommendation.

Best, M.

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Hi @slobodan
Instead of paying someone for setting up your server and maintaining your server (updates, security, support, plugins, etc.) you might be interested in the Aivie Mautic Hosting.

Our Mautic set-up and the pre-installed plugins will guarantee you a fast and hassle-free set-up, onboarding, and usage experience. Aivies goal is to provide you a Mautic with all the flexibility of open source and the user experience of a SaaS.

Depending on your requirements, you can also use the free version:

Let me know if you have any question.


Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Slobodan Nikolic - Synonym for home!


I have extensive experience with Mautic and would be happy to assist you in setting up and configuring the latest version on your server.

You can reach out to me on my email here
