Post results to another form not working

Hi there,

I need some help with Forms Actions > Post results to another form.

I want prospect to fill a forma with their name and email, and a friend’s name and email, so we send the last one an email with a happy holidays card in the name of the first.

I have created two forms, with the four fields. I am mautic to store the first two fields in a contact, and use the third and fourth to create a new contact.

So i want people to fill all data in the first form, and have mautic send data from field 3 and 4 to a second form. It’s not working.

Any ideias?

Hi there,

I need some help with Forms Actions > Post results to another form.

I want prospect to fill a forma with their name and email, and a friend’s name and email, so we send the last one an email with a happy holidays card in the name of the first.

I have created two forms, with the four fields. I am mautic to store the first two fields in a contact, and use the third and fourth to create a new contact.
So i want people to fill all data in the first form, and have mautic send data from field 3 and 4 to a second form. It’s not working.

Any ideias?

Is there anyone out there using Post results to another form (Action)?

Wish i could get it working

I do have same issue.

I’m using mautic with ### Softaculous AMPPS, apache, php 7.3, mysql on windows 10.

If you add 'verify' => false just after 'headers' => $headers, to this file

I’m still unsure on how to make it workable without setting verify to false. however this may affect security.

i.e. I’m posting a result to localhost:8081(another web application) from localhost:8012(mautic app)