Preference Centre: How to 'sort order' segment list slot?

Your software
My Mautic version is:
My PHP version is: 7.0.33-23

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Hi everyone,

Is there a way to ‘sort order’ segments that are published to a preference centre?
As preference centres built with ‘page builder’ simply use the drag and drop slots, we don’t have control over the order the segments appear in the slot - currently they default to showing Z to A.

Normally if this was structured like a form, we would have control over the sort order, however as preference centres simply use the slots for building a preference centre landing page, we haven’t found a way to sort these segment options?

Is anyone aware of how this custom sort order for segments on a landing page may be applied or if this can be achieved by updating the css?

Any advice would be appreciated.


No, there is not segmetns ordering for preferences center.
But this fix bring ordering from A to Z

Thanks very much @kuzmany, I will take a look through the fix at the link you provide and see if we can get this working.
Thanks for your help.
