Having many issues with Preference Center

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.1.1
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is: MySQL

Your problem
My problem is: I am trying to use the Preference Center so that the users can unsubscribe from a specific segment without preventing me from reaching them on other segments or by transactional emails.

First, I am creating a landing page in the components and I turn on the Preference Center flag. The first issue that I have is that when I go into the builder, I don’t see any Preference Center blocks. (see screen capture)

Ok… Then, I try to simply put the codes manually. {segmentlist} and {saveprefsbutton}.

I go in my email settings and turn on all flags.

Yesterday, the button was showing up, but not the segments. I realized today that my newsletter segment was not made to be seen in the Preference Center. I turned that on, but now, the center simply crashes and I get this error in the console.

Looks like Mautic is not initialized in the builder library. So, the js crashes.

Please help!

Ok… I am answering to myself here. Looks like my second problem (Preference Center not showing up) was due to the fact that I was sending test emails. I tried a “fake” segment and send my test email to that segment and everthing worked.

I still have the issue of the blocks not showing up though in the builder. Would be nice to have some control over the look of that page. Right now, it’s functionnal, but not very pretty.

Hi shroyogo
I have the same exact issue of the Preference center block not showing up in the builder.
Did you have any success in solving the issue?

Hi jiusim,

I “kind of” fixed the issue by not using any landing page component. I just went into each segment and decided which ones were supposed to show up in the unsubscribe form and also changed the configuration of the emails to display the preferences for the contact and I am OK with the page that is actually automatically generated by the system.

Hope this helps