Problems After Upgrade from 2.16.3 to 3.2.4 Can't Open any user card [Solved]

Your software
My PHP version is : 7.2.4
My MySQL/MariaDB version is (delete as applicable): Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.2.31-MariaDB

Updating/Installing Errors
I am (delete as applicable):Updating
Upgrading/installing via (delete as applicable) : Web / Command Line
I have successfully updated a number of Mautic instances both from 3.x to 3.2.4 and from 2.16.x to 3.2.4 however on one of my instances I am unable to edit any client card, unable to get to segments.

Nothing was showing in mautic.error log however there were errors in the system log.

Was about to post here asking for help and then decided to try and update data schema which worked.

So if this happens to anyone you can run the database schema from your browser window by adding to your base mautic url: /s/update/schema.