Hey there,
I’m new in Mautic, but I’m really impressed on the possibilities of this platform. I want to implement it in my company, but I have a few problems.
First I need to ask, why do I have to click often two times to get into any function of Mautic? Sometimes it opens immediately, but sometimes I have to click twice. And it is a problem when saving new form, or new lead, because I don’t have an option to click “Save & close” twice (because after one click it becomes unclickable).
Second thing - I would like to have a look at the API, but when I turn it on in the settings nothing changes - It shows turned on, but I don’t get any additional information, and nor the API Credentials. What’s wrong with that?
Third thing (the last) - I set up the crone jobs to get working every minute, but It doesn’t seem to work - I created a test list and added two leads with same tag. The list is not actualizing. I don’t know what’s going on. Is there any option to send this message manually?
When I was installig Mautic I got three recommendations:
- Enable Imap
- Enable php_posix
- It’s suggested to install an accelerator (like APC)
I instaled the APC on the server, but the first problem doesn’t seem to disaapear (but in the log I don’t get more errors).
Please help me, because I want to use Mautic in my projects
Best regards,
EDIT: Problem no. 3 solved: I had bad paths to console in cron jobs. Now they are workingBut the first and second problem remain. And there is one thing more: I want to configure my e-mail, but I can’t do this. I have a mail created on server and I want to send e-mail from this smtp server, but I’m unable to configure it. I’m sure that I’m putting the right SMTP host and user, password but when I check connection I get somethink like this:
Connection could not be established with host mail.wernerorkiestra.pl [Connection refused #111] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host mail.wernerorkiestra.pl [Connection refused #111]
++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host mail.wernerorkiestra.pl [Connection refused #111]
The host is correct, because I checked the settings in my admin panel. What’s wrong with that?