Queue settings

I would like to use RabbitMQ, but queue settings is not displayed in administration panel.
The Mautic version is 4.2.1
Where is this configuration now ?

Hey, I just answered similar question in RabbitMQ/Beanstalkd Config moved to a file that is NOT local.php · Issue #11106 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

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Thanks for this. I am very interested in seeing what performance improvements RabbitMQ and Mautic queue can bring and when trying to test it out and set it up I am having a few difficulties understanding the exact parameters.

So I have gone through this code: mautic/config.php at 1db63347702e57b488a0e6432887d268df95a35f · mautic/mautic · GitHub and read a bunch of threads and posts, and now I have rabbitmq setup, however I am still having an issue with the exact syntax/parameters to use inside my local.php to define the queue name and exchange name.

This is what I have so far:

'queue_protocol' => 'rabbitmq',
'rabbitmq_host' => 'localhost',
'rabbitmq_port' => '5672',
'rabbitmq_vhost' => '/',
'rabbitmq_user' => 'myUser',
'rabbitmq_password' => 'myPassword',
'rabbitmq_idle_timeout' => 0,
'rabbitmq_idle_timeout_exit_code' => 0,

When I run the bin/console mautic:queue:process I get an error saying that I have not defined a valid queue name.

So when I run the same command as above but with the flag -I my_queue_name I am getting :

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: mauticQueueName in /var/www/mautic/app/bundles/QueueBundle/Queue/QueueService.php on line 91

Am I missing where or how to define the queue and exchange somewhere ?

If you haven’t yet, try installing Php-amqplib