Recaptcha working on Focus Items data capture on v4.4.10 mautic

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.10

Your problem
We have the recaptcha plugin and it does work with basic mautic forms but when we tried with a data capture focus item it did not.
Looking more closely the captcha elements where not included in the rendered form in the focus item including the scripts and field. I am assuming the form inclusion doesnt support none native fields and ignores plugin related ones maybe.
We are using v3 of captcha.
Cant find a lot of information - but came across this which is a couple of years old.

I am not sure what his fix was exactly.

As a work around we found that you could use the automatic or manual version of the form and paste in the html block. Possibly you dont need to use the data capture and the notice version is usable.

Is it bug ? If so on mautic side or the plugin implementation. If its not a bug is there some magic to make it work as it should without the js or full version copied into the html block.

Seems like a bug. The form is rendered in Focus Items a little differently, so it needs some touch, I think. You can create an issue on GitHub or hire a developer to fix it.

One of the side effect issues is that with the recaptcha main js call it breaks the overlay for some reason that I cant think off. The modal background element cant move outside the iframe. Possibly this is the reason its “disabled” and its intentional

We have additionally found that even though including the form as js sort of works and even though we get the above issue the recaptcha seems to work sporadically. Same conditions - sometimes it fails and sometimes it succeeds. Possibly would work on a well known main site - we are testing on test site currently. Weirdly we have mautic and recaptcha in another position (as form and not focus item) on the same site and it works 100% of the time. Odd.
Ill look into doing a ticket.