Record not found. Unsubscribe link

I have two mautic instances with their own mysql db, which are replaced. The the boxes are behind load balancer. The replication is not real time so sometimes I am getting “Record not found” when clicking on unsubscribe link, can someone point out, what tables is mautic looking for data for unsubscribe?

I have two mautic instances with their own mysql db, which are replaced. The the boxes are behind load balancer. The replication is not real time so sometimes I am getting “Record not found” when clicking on unsubscribe link, can someone point out, what tables is mautic looking for data for unsubscribe?

Im seeing the same thing. Testing to see if I can figure it out.

If you sent the emails via “Send Example,” there is no related database entry (because it’s a test); in order for those links to work, they must originate from the “Send” option.