Report with No Data

Your software
My Mautic version is:v3.0.2
My PHP version is: 7.2.33

Your problem
My problem is: I have created a report with the following:
Data Source - Emails, Emails

The problem is, when I view the report in Mautic, I see the data, when the report is set by email, once a day, the excel is blank and never contains any data.

Any help, much appreciated!

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I have remade the report, tried different mail clients and different browsers, always blank when sent in the email.

Can no one help me with this?

@ecalpemos2000 Are you still having issues, or did you resolve this?


No it is still an issue for me.

Try this tutorial, it is a great starting point.

I do not think this is the issue, creating a report.
It has to do with the automatic email which is triggered using the cron. These emails are empty, and so far we have not seen a way to fix this.


I tried everything to resolve, the email was always blank!

@ecalpemos2000 Here is the issue we have explained

Important: We are assuming the report is created and showing the correct data.

Tested manual download, and we are able to get the report as CSV, HTML etc

Assuming the manual download works, we then setup a CronJob which specifically targets the REPORT ID and triggers at 8 am in the morning.

When this email arrives, the attachment is blank.

We have tested this on different mautic instances and server setups with the same results.
Mautic is the latest version and we are running PHP 7.4.x

@ecalpemos2000 can you confirm if you have the same workflow as the above?