Run campaign for first time visitors - how?

Hi to all!
It there and way to run campaign for first time visitors?
I need for example show them focus item ( popup ), but normally it can be done just if user is in a segment. New visitors not yet at segment.
So maybe there some hint or solution?

What platform your website build in? We can add popup with two field name and email id , that form can be integrated by mautic simply. And we create a segment for this form specific, Visitor come on our website and fill up the form, WE collect emails in segment , then use that segment in our campaign. That is the workflow. Because , we need visitor email id to send the emails.

Yes, this i know, but in that case all the visitors even who filled the form will see it again. That is why i asked about it.
Now i made a campaign segment based ( focus item ), in that segment all the visitors who has Email field - EMPTY, it can works, but it need a time until new visitors will be moved by mautic into a that segment. This solution for now not a perfect, coz for sure it will not work due the visitors segment, when they come a first time they are not in a segment and campaign will work only after some time ( when anonymous user will be moved to my segment ), so it’s actually works but with delay.

My idas was to show form ONLY for anonymous visitors

anonymous visitors has only IP address how we can send the email on IP address only?

I dont need to send them email. I want trigger that users and show them focus item ( popup form with offer ).

Just create a Segment and use filters like the one you make EMAIL FIELD Empty.
then create a campaign the use that segment as a source and put the show focus item and you are done.

I did it already, but the problem is:

  • when new users comes to site - he is not in any segment
  • only when cron triggered user moved into a correct segment, and it takes some time. ( 15 mins )
    This solution can work if the user will come back after some time ( cron must be triggered and user must be moved into a segment already )
    Why it’s not useful for me? Coz for example I want to start a FB campaign and show the focus item - it will not work, coz when users comes to site - they are not in any segment.

in that case you have to use another method to display the focus item. Maybe try a mix of JS\JQuery and Google UTM

Yes, already did it via GTM.

Filipp - Would love to know what you set up in GTM to accomplish this. In our case, we need to pass in a little bit of info when we trigger the campaign, as well.

Can you share what you did to make this work from GTM?

This is solution!