send 100 emails per hour


I sent 6500 emails at a time and they went to spam. I’m a newbie so I learned from this that I should send a specific number of emails per hour.

I want to send just 100 emails per hour. how can I put this on mautic and what the cron job to use for sending 100 emails/hour

it’s very important I hope someone will help. thanks

I mean for example if I have 2000 emails to send, I want to send 100 for the first hour then another 100 for the next hour… until I reach 2000 emails

@ebk abdel why dont you set email limit …in aa send queue.

@bizcrony it’s a good idea, could you explain where can I set email limit on mautic?

do you mean?
Message limit for queue processing

if yes do I need a cron job? thanks

@ebk adbel check in email settings.

I find it thank you very much


Hi @bizcrony,

I had the same problem. Should I need set any cron job? I’m not very familiar with the cron settings…

Thank you!

@dani what mautic version you have and where you installed ?

Hi @bizcrony,
Thanks for your help!

Shared hosting account
I’ve already set:

In the email settings:
Message limit for queue processing: 8
Time limit for queue processing: 300
Recovery timeout for resending failed messages: 1020
Clear timeout for deleted failed messages: 1920

Cron jobs:

*/5 * * * * php /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/ mautic:emails:send
0,15,30,45 * * * * php /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/ mautic:segments:update
5,20,35,50 * * * * php /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/ mautic:campaigns:update
10,25,40,55 * * * * php /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/ mautic:campaigns:trigger

I receive the following message after the cron jobs running:

Mautic version 2.13.1 - app/prod
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message

I’m off the email updates with this: > /dev/null 2>&1

I want to send about 8000 emails, but no more than 100/hours.

Are this settings ok? Anything else?


then set it as queue in your mautic settings .

Settings>Config>Email Settings>Mail Send Settings

Message limit for queue processing: 8
Time limit for queue processing: 300
Recovery timeout for resending failed messages: 1020
Clear timeout for deleted failed messages: 1920


Ok, Thank you!
Have nice day!