Send Email - Set Action Timing

I have a Drip campaign setup and appears to work, so long as I do not use ‘Set Action Timing - Wait’. If I use ‘When Triggered’ is works fine. If I use ‘Set Action Timing’ and set the Wait 2-5 mins it doesn’t work. Mautic’s dashboard says the email is scheduled but it doesn’t send.

In fact I’ve tried to use 65 mins not 5 mins as for some reason, Mautic puts the clock back an hour.

Any help with either of these would be appreciated.

I’ve struggled to understand similar situations and I have been really careful when I set wait delays. I make sure they are longer than my cron jobs intervals. If the execution is expected before the cron sequence runs its course your actions will not trigger.

All I can share is what I’ve experienced but if the email is scheduled for one minute but the chron fires at 30 minutes, when the 30 minutes arrives the 1 minute is in the past and Mautic is set to NOT send (or resend) activities in the past.

Like I said, I am personally careful about this timing because I got hosed by it before. This may not however, be the official Mautic answer.

I have a Drip campaign setup and appears to work, so long as I do not use ‘Set Action Timing - Wait’. If I use ‘When Triggered’ is works fine. If I use ‘Set Action Timing’ and set the Wait 2-5 mins it doesn’t work. Mautic’s dashboard says the email is scheduled but it doesn’t send.

In fact I’ve tried to use 65 mins not 5 mins as for some reason, Mautic puts the clock back an hour.

Any help with either of these would be appreciated.