"Sending from the browser is blocked to prevent duplicate emails"

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.0.3
My PHP version is: 8.1.27
My Database type and version is: 10.6.16-MariaDB-cll-lve-log

Your problem
My problem is:
In Channels I have duplicated an E-mail, I have edited and updated it, but when I want to send the E-mail to a segment, the button is not clickable, and over it with the mouse, I have this message “Sending from the browser is blocked to prevent duplicate emails”…
What could be the issue and what should I do to solve it?
Thank you

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could you please share the screenshot?

I have same problem…
Captura de Tela 2024-03-26 às 00.05.40

Same here… Any idea?

Para quem é usuário médio o Mautic está parecendo uma grande furada.
Pois a comunidade ativa é, ao que parece, a maior parte formada por outros usuários médios, então vamos ficar sem um suporte (ajuda mútua) descente.
Estou tendo vários pequenos problemas de uso normal que não consigo achar explicações simples, nem em Inglês, e muito menos em português…
Acabei voltando para o 4, mas ainda precisamos de muita informação.
Gostaria muito que esse quadro mudasse.

Hi folks!

This was implemented to prevent people re-sending a segment email when a send was already in progress.

Have you checked your ‘publish up’ date? Is it in the past (e.g. the email has been sent / is sending) perhaps?

I’ve just tried this on the 5.x branch (what will be 5.1) and I am not able to reproduce it with creating a standard email, sending it and then cloning it:

I also tested this on 5.0.4 and I can’t reproduce there either:

I tried switching to MariaDB 10.6.16 and other than needing to update the SMTP port for Mailpit, I was still able to send:

I wondered if maybe it could be that if you’ve sent a segment email which has some still in the queue - e.g. if the user frequency rules have been exceeded and there’s some which are being queued, however I also tested that by setting a user’s frequency to 1 per day, cloning and then sending again, and still it allowed me to send.

I’m still not able to reproduce your error at all - each time I am getting that they are sent as expected. The only time I get that blocking you’re seeing is when I have set a publish_up date in the past (e.g. the email is already in the sent/sending state).

So, please check that and let us know if this is the issue - which is intended behaviour!