Shortening URL in SMS

Can anyone explain or point me in the right direction on how to shorten urls in mautic SMS

By shorten you mean don’t print the whole long links?
If you turn this off, you won’t send long tracking links:

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Interesting question!

I’ve been thinking about this too, as I have purchased a branded short domain for a client. URL shortening services are expensive, I am partial to following this route with polr.

I’d probably want to set up a firewall to allow mautic only to even initiate a connection to the web server hosting polr.

The you configure shortening urls in mautic as documented.

If this is the case, could you then enable click tracking as well ?

As an option you can look at where you can setup your own shorteners.

I would be interested to understand how to integrate the two so that we could have shortened urls as well as tracking clicks

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