Softaculous vs CLI install?

Hey guys,

I’m fairly comfortable with command line… but I sure do love a good installer.

Is there any reason why I should NOT use the Mautic installer that is included in Softaculous for 5.0.4?

I seem to remember @joeyk saying something about this in a forum post… but I can’t remember why the auto installer left us with fewer options or something.

Your software
My Mautic version is:
My PHP version is:
My Database type and version is:

Your problem
My problem is:

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

I have never had luck with Softaculous and I have no idea why. Everything seems fine one day and then a bug ends up needing chased for 11 days only to find out softaculous install script ticked some weird box or over-wrote something or changed a random permission or file ownership inexplicably.

Unless you hate money stay away from Softaculous installs of Mautic.

Ok, I appreciate it!

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I use softaculous, and have like 9 installations. Most are 4, will upgrade to 5 them next month.

I’ve found that Mautic upgrading tool is better than softaculous one, but for installation, Softaculous is very easy. BTW, all my mautic installations are in subdomains, that makes things easier to manage.

If you find an issue let me know because I’ve probably found it before and already solved it.

I really appreciate it!

I managed to push through the CLI install and got it working. Now I just have to figure out the easiest way to migrate from Active Campaign.

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Just of curiosity, what do you want to migrate? DB or all event history?

I would be happy with Contacts, tags, and my ‘automations’… which I believe are ‘campaigns’ in Mautic.

Many of those have been meticulously built to move people through sales processes and sort their interests etc… tagging people based on what emails they click, reminding them to watch when they don’t click… that kinda thing.

I probably have at least a hundred of them… if not more.

Edit to add: if I could transfer activity and history of the contacts, that would be awesome, but I wasn’t anticipating that ability.

There is this article in this forum.
Active Campaigns let you access DB or only via API?

Did you mean to link an article?

They only give API access to my knowledge. I can’t imagine why they would let us touch the DB!

well, contacts and tags can be exported to text or csv, probably the campaign structures can be also exported

Yeah, contacts and tags I knew would be relatively easy, but there is definitely no export function for automations.

It’s starting to seem like this might need to be done by hand, unless I can somehow train an AI to do it… but all I know about AI is what I learned from watching Ex Machina.

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