The "--max-events" option does not exist

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5
My PHP version is: 8
My Database type and version is: mariaDB

Your problem

I want a campaign to send a webhook call at intervals of time. I am using triggers to send the webhook.

With the default configuration, all webhooks are sent simultaneously, causing issues.

I would like to send one request/processing every 1 minute, for example. I am using the cron job with --max-events=1 like this:

“* * * * * php /var/www/html/bin/console mautic:campaigns:trigger --max-events=1 2>&1 | tee /tmp/stdout”

According to the documentation, it is possible to send x number of events, but this is not happening, and an error is returned:

"The “–max-events” option does not exist.

mautic:campaigns:rebuild [-l|–batch-limit [BATCH-LIMIT]] [-m|–max-contacts [MAX-CONTACTS]] [-i|–campaign-id [CAMPAIGN-ID]] [–contact-id [CONTACT-ID]] [–contact-ids [CONTACT-IDS]] [–min-contact-id [MIN-CONTACT-ID]] [–max-contact-id [MAX-CONTACT-ID]] [–thread-id [THREAD-ID]] [–max-threads [MAX-THREADS]] [–bypass-locking] [-t|–timeout TIMEOUT] [-x|–lock_mode LOCK_MODE] [-f|–force]"


Is the documentation incorrect, or am I doing something wrong?

How can I create a queue and send one webhook per minute?

Thank you.

trigger and campaigns erro:

"The “–max-events” option does not exist.

mautic:campaigns:trigger [-i|–campaign-id [CAMPAIGN-ID]] [–campaign-limit [CAMPAIGN-LIMIT]] [–contact-id [CONTACT-ID]] [–contact-ids [CONTACT-IDS]] [–min-contact-id [MIN-CONTACT-ID]] [–max-contact-id [MAX-CONTACT-ID]] [–thread-id [THREAD-ID]] [–max-threads [MAX-THREADS]] [–kickoff-only] [–scheduled-only] [–inactive-only] [-l|–batch-limit [BATCH-LIMIT]] [–bypass-locking] [-t|–timeout TIMEOUT] [-x|–lock_mode LOCK_MODE] [-f|–force]"