Unable to run Mautic installer

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.2
My PHP version is: 8.2
My Database type and version is: mysql v5.7.39

Your problem
My problem is: I downloaded the zip file from Download - Mautic Community. I extracted the zip and uploaded it to my server. I’ve configured nginx to point to the root directory of mautic.
When I visit browser, I am getting redirected to this page http://localhost:8888/mautic/index.php/installer. Ideally it should trigger installation guide but it gives me 404.
Here is the console error,
GET http://localhost:8888/mautic/index.php/installer 404 (Not Found)

I checked in the extracted mautic folder, public folder is missing. I tried to redownload and check. I tried using github version of mautic. But I am unable to find the public folder anywhere which is required to run the installer.

These errors are showing in the log: GET http://localhost:8888/mautic/index.php/installer 404 (Not Found)

Steps I have tried to fix the problem: I tried to re download the zip from official website as well as from github. But was not able to find the required public folder anywhere

Hi @nayan.gaikwad,

I’m new to the product, but I would advise trying to clear the cache and test again—both the browser and Mautic cache. Could you also try again after clearing the cache?

Additionally, I’m curious about your Nginx settings. There might be an issue there. Have you checked your Mautic logs? You can review the error logs in the /var/www/html/var/logs/ directory.

Best regards,
Selim Emre Toy