What tool to use to send millions of e-mails per month

Thank you guys. I was prone to using MailCow or iredMail and now I consider Post as a priority.

Is it still the best option?

If you can manage your own IPs, Postal is a dream.

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For those that are dealing also with the topic, the return path in Postal is:

I created a Webhook that deals MessageDeliveryFailed messages (and also MessageBounced).
Unfortunately the contact is not set as bounced in Mautic.

Could it be that Postal v2.1.4 (28.04.2023) has changed this part after the Plugin GitHub - LucasCCS/postal_server_api_transport_for_mautic was created (1.12.2021) ?

The Payload that is sent from Postal is:

“message”: {
“id”: 40,
“token”: “Mk…mW”,
“direction”: “outgoing”,
“message_id”: “dbe...4b7fc78@rp.io.ionutojica.com”,
“to”: “testarea-bounce4@ionutojica.com”,
“from”: “contact@ionutojica.com”,
“subject”: “test twig2”,
“timestamp”: 1694125749.090986,
“spam_status”: “NotChecked”,
“tag”: null
“status”: “HardFail”,
“details”: “Permanent SMTP delivery error when sending to ionutojica.com (”,
“output”: “550 No Such User Here\n”,
“sent_with_ssl”: true,
“timestamp”: 1694125789.5417223,
“time”: 20.1

Do you know where I can find details about this?