When trying to schema update in mautic 4.1 I am getting errors

Your software
My PHP version is : 7.4
My MySQL/MariaDB version is : 10.5

Updating/Installing Errors
*I am trying to schema update by Website-URL.com/ s/update/schema and it is getting failed.
While checking the Mautic logs I found these errors.

These errors are showing in the installer :

[2022-07-25 18:01:06] mautic.NOTICE: Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\SyntaxErrorException: An exception occurred while executing ‘ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD generated_email_domain VARCHAR(255) AS (SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE(“@”, email) + 1)) COMMENT ‘(DC2Type:generated)’; ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain(generated_email_domain)’: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain(generated_em…’ at line 2 (uncaught exception) at MAUTIC_LOCATION/mautic/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 98 while running console command doctrine:migrations:migrate

[2022-07-25 18:01:06] mautic.WARNING: Command doctrine:migrations:migrate exited with status code 1

[2022-07-25 18:01:06] mautic.ERROR: [UPGRADE ERROR] Exit code 1; ++ adding generated column generated_email_domain → ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD generated_email_domain VARCHAR(255) AS (SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE(“@”, email) + 1)) COMMENT ‘(DC2Type:generated)’; ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain(generated_email_domain) \ In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 98: \ An exception occurred while executing ‘ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD generate d_email_domain VARCHAR(255) AS (SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE(“@”, email) + 1)) C OMMENT ‘(DC2Type:generated)’; ALTER TABLE maupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain (generated_email_domain)’: \ You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ALTER TABLE m aupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain(generated_em…’ at lin e 2 \ In ConnectionError.php line 19: \ You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ALTER TABLE m aupn_leads ADD INDEX maupn_generated_email_domain(generated_em…’ at lin e 2 \ doctrine:migrations:migrate [–write-sql [WRITE-SQL]] [–dry-run] [–query-time] [–allow-no-migration] [–all-or-nothing [ALL-OR-NOTHING]] [–configuration [CONFIGURATION]] [–db-configuration [DB-CONFIGURATION]] [–db DB] [–em EM] [–shard SHARD] [-h|–help] [-q|–quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-V|–version] [–ansi] [–no-ansi] [-n|–no-interaction] [-e|–env ENV] [–no-debug] [–] \

These errors are showing in the Mautic log :

Your problem
My problem is :
I am trying to update to Mautic 4.4 but it is having issues. So, I am being suggested to update the schema first but it is still not happening. Can anybody help me with the work…