Greetings Mauticians!
Another week in the bag! Before you hit the snooze button for a well-deserved weekend, let’s conjure up some magic for Open Source Friday!
If you’re not mingling with us on Slack yet, it’s high time. Hop in!
Testing Mautic 5
Our Product Team have been burning the midnight oil prepping for the Beta release of Mautic. A full bunch of great features and significant bug fixes is brewing
There are bug fixes raring to go and brand new features ready for their spotlight moment. Now, you’re the director calling the shots for an impeccable takeoff
But relax, no Hogwarts admission required to get started with testing! Testing is an open house where everyone gets to play their part. No code-jargon, everything’s there right within your browser!
Are video walkthroughs more your thing? Fasten your seat belts and watch our handy tutorial!
With every bug you smash , we are one giant leap closer to a seamless, robust, and stable Mautic!
Need any help? Find us on #t-product channel on Slack!
Time to channel your inner Sherlock, review the Alpha release, and snuff out those sneaky bugs!
Get an instance running in your browser and put Mautic through its paces. If a bug pops up, whack it on to our GitHub page. If it isn’t there already, please raise it.
Excited to evaluate new bug fixes and features?
Cast an eagle eye over our project board, specially curated for you, and preview a new era of features, fixes, and enhancements waiting for your approval:
Keen to get started? Delve into our how-to-test docs:
Have a fun bug hunting spree on Open Source Friday!
Just a thought - coffee might start your day , but testing bugs will make you the superhuman of the day!
Marketers, our strategy gurus, lend us your ears! 
Fascinated by marketing trends, from outbound to inbound, TOFU to BOFU? Lend your acumen to raise Mautic’s market standing.
Following two fruitful strategy workshops, we’ve set our sights on key projects for the upcoming year:
- Building an inbound marketing plan
- Getting an ambassadors program off the ground
- Crafting a launch strategy for new membership tiers and benefits
Join us in orchestrating these strategic moves in #t-marketing on Slack!
Web developers (you Drupal
enthusiasts), we need you!
Feel right at home with Drupal? We’ve got a wishlist of exciting features for our website:
- A searchable partners database
- A searchable case studies database (linked with partners)
- An experts database comprising General Assembly members (individuals and companies)
- A jobs board
Take a look at our project board here:
Pop over to #t-marketing on Slack for more insights!
Web designers, we have hearts in our eyes for you! 
We’re planning a complete website overhaul, complemented by a brand new template. We’d love to collaborate with designers and front-end (Drupal) developers, plus marketers who can help optimize for conversions.
Documentation writers, we need your magic touch! 
We’re so close to launching our new developer documentation! We need your helping hands to transition and update the MVC-related docs, taking into account the latest developments with Mautic 5.
Lend us your talents, join us on #t-education on Slack!