Why is Mautic 5 so difficult to install?

I’ve tried manual installation, I’ve tried using composer, both to no avail. The documentation page is as if important parts of the documentation is left out on purpose.

What do you think is missing?
It is really hard to give a command by command description.
Where are you stuck?


For instance, before running the command

composer create-project mautic/recommended-project:^5.0 some-dir --no-interaction

You’d need to have unzip/7zip installed and a specific nodejs version, which is never mentioned in the same article. Mautic is great when you set it up correctly but the documentation for the initial setup could use some improvement.

It is really hard to do a step by step tutorial, since you might use a fedora / ubuntu / mint linux, or maybe even something else. Maybe you run your Mautic on a Raspberry Pi or on a Windows machiene.

The commands would be different for each of them.

It is kinda expected to know an unzip is needed to unzip a zip file.
Regarding node.js you’ll get wornings during the installation process.

You’ll need to learn more while you maintain / upgrade your Mautic anyway, I suggest to keep an eye on various docs.

I mean I do I’m trying to learn, but I don’t think it’s a matter of me learning when it’s not just me who’s having the same problem with the installation.