Working with Drupal

Hi everyone,
I’m new to Mautic and interested in integrating it with my drupal website. It sounds like it can do amazing things and I love the idea of integrating tracking and marketing in an open source platform.

Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten a proof of concept fully working, and references to drupal seem to be mostly from 2016. I’m using two modules (drupal/mautic and drupal/mautic_paragraph).

I am getting tracking info, and I have gotten 1 form working in a block on my development site.

I’d love to get dynamic content working, but none of my attempts have been successful and I have no idea how to debug this. Here are some questions, if you are up for some guidance:

  1. Do I need a plugin on the Mautic side? It doesn’t look like it - but as a sanity check I’m asking.
  2. Is the tracking code all that is needed for updating content into slots? If not - is there documentation on what is required?
  3. I think I have the CORS set up correctly - but I’d love to hear from anyone who has gotten DWC working on Drupal (preferably 10, but 8 or 9 too) before I keep randomly trying things.

I’m using got Mautic v5, drupal 10, php 8.1.

Many thanks,

Is there anyone here using Drupal?

I do not use drupal, but if module does not exist yet, then yes I think you would need a custom drupal module that gets DC from Mautic.

Tracking code snippet from mautic has nothing to do with DC, its for tracking page visits and events on targeted website.

As for CORS, I do not think there is anything special about just set apprpriate headers in mautic web server config so the tracking script can post / get data to mautic.

Thanks - I appreciate the response. I’ll see if I can see how it works from a wordpress plugin.

I’ve seen a fair number of videos about Mautic and Drupal recently - I’m surprised there isn’t more up to date information.

Sure thing, if you need help with the development let me know.