WP landing page

Hi :)

I saw your idea of using a js to populate fields on non mautic landing pages.

For it to work, do I need to name my fields, elemFirstName for the firstname value for instance ?

Might be a silly simple questions but i am not sure

Hi :slight_smile:
I saw your idea of using a js to populate fields on non mautic landing pages.
For it to work, do I need to name my fields, elemFirstName for the firstname value for instance ?
Might be a silly simple questions but i am not sure

Hi @vincent

not sure what conversation are you replying to, but have you seen the Mautic - WP plugin?


It will help you embed a form as well.

So I’ve adapted a bit of JS to populate fields : it takes parameters from the URL and prepopulates a WP post with them.
Maybe not the prettiest js code ever, but it works.


@vincent Are you trying to populate non-mautic forms?