Zapier/Mautic preferred_locale: This value is not valid., timezone: This value is not valid

Your software
My Mautic version is:4.2.2
My PHP version is: PHP Version 7.4.28
My Database type and version is:Apache/2.4.53

Your problem
My problem is: # Failed to create a contact in Mautic
preferred_locale: This value is not valid., timezone: This value is not valid.

These errors are showing in the log:
None Found

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
1st I see that these data formates are not consistant:

In the configuration of “Users” in Mautic the Language format is depicted as “English - United States”

In the configuration of “Users” in Mautic the Timezone format is depicted as “America / New York”

In the configuration of “Custom Fields” in Mautic, the Preferred Locale format is depicted as “English (United States)”

In the configuration of “Custom Fields” in Mautic, the Preferred Timezone format is depicted as “America New York”

When creating the Mautic portion of the Zap I Map to each field:

  1. I’ve tried all the iterations of the way the preferred local/timezone that are depicted in various settings within mautic and get the same error from Zapier: " Failed to create a contact in Mautic
    preferred_locale: This value is not valid., timezone: This value is not valid."
    Each time

A. there appears to be non standard or non-uniform record somewhere
B. I dont have the DB skills to look under the hood (yet)

Any help is appreciated as I’m at a dead stop in an important Mautic project.

Searching the DB related config in Local.php SOLVED THE TIMEZONE portion:
THE ANSWER= America/New_York

And the Answer to “preferred_locale: This value is not valid”
Found in the Mautic Config.php file “en_US”

So when creating a Zap and mapping fields to Mautic
Preferred Locale = en_US
Preferred Timezone = America/New_York

outside the US, sorry I did not go that far