Hello, how about to allow send sms messages with the amazon SNS service? I think would be better than twillio…and very powerfull and inexpensive sms service…
Hello, how about to allow send sms messages with the amazon SNS service? I think would be better than twillio…and very powerfull and inexpensive sms service…
any update on this?
It would be really great if this could be done.
What is the advantage of Amazon SNS over Twilio?
Would love to see this feature to compliment Amazon SES.
I would love to see this feature to complement Amazon SES. Why does this topic have so few votes?
Cheap for whole world. Twillio cost thousands of dolars aws sns cost only 50 dolars
without implementation of this kind of services mautic will not get enough attention. because there is not enough developer for mautic. to implement those services they may get funding from amazon etc.
instead adding some extra unused functionality spend your time for integtrations