Any plans to make true A/B test emails?

Hi guys,

First of all, I ADORE Mautic, so everything I say here onwards is with the best of interests, not trolling at all.

I see there’s the email testing but apparently all it does is split the delivery and track certain metric. In reality, the ideal would that it then sends the winning campaign automatically to the rest of the list. Yes, I am aware I could create a separate list and do it manually, but for this to be statistically significant, the app should randomise the recipients, rather than just send to the first X% and then to the following Y%

Are there any plans to do something like this? Where we could chose a test segment, then run the test and it be triggered automatically to the rest?



I agree - this would be great and you should have this one bumped up! Great idea.

This might be possible with two additional elements in the campaign builder:

  1. Conditions element “Random”
  2. Conditions element “Segments stats”
    All you need to do then is
  3. create the email variations X and Y you want to test
  4. choose the segment you want to start with
  5. setup a 1st campaign using the “Random” conditions element to send the variations X and Y
  6. move the contacts in case of success to different segments S-X and S-Y, depending on variation
  7. create a 2nd campaign using the “Segment stats” conditions element that compares numbers of elements in S-X and S-Y and then sends the winning email variation

Hi guys,

First of all, I ADORE Mautic, so everything I say here onwards is with the best of interests, not trolling at all.

I see there’s the email testing but apparently all it does is split the delivery and track certain metric. In reality, the ideal would that it then sends the winning campaign automatically to the rest of the list. Yes, I am aware I could create a separate list and do it manually, but for this to be statistically significant, the app should randomise the recipients, rather than just send to the first X% and then to the following Y%

Are there any plans to do something like this? Where we could chose a test segment, then run the test and it be triggered automatically to the rest?
