Barracuda Listed IP as Spam

Every single email that we have collected are people that opted in. Not one single email address was bought. By using Mautic, our IP has now been listed by Barracuda & Spam Sources

It’s now affecting people’s ability to send email out to ie. our bank!

Please help! :)


Every single email that we have collected are people that opted in. Not one single email address was bought. By using Mautic, our IP has now been listed by Barracuda & Spam Sources

It’s now affecting people’s ability to send email out to ie. our bank!

Please help! :slight_smile:


Are you using AWS?

I’ve gone through those delisting processes, I just don’t want to get banned again. I am not using AWS…

I’ll take your suggestions… @MxyzptlkFishStix pm?